Impact Assessment Report: Leadership Training + M&S


Impactt’s associate in South Africa, Hilary Murdoch, carried out two visits to M&S suppliers’ sites to assess the impact of the Emerging Leaders training, particularly focusing on Human Rights areas. Other members of the team included Elizabeth Clack, to carry out Afrikaans worker interviews (a social worker and community developer) and Zoleka Majola, to carry out Xhosa worker interviews (a community worker and youth worker).

Impactt assessed the impact of Emerging Leaders training against M&S’ salient human rights risks. Impactt:

  •   Quantitatively and qualitatively interviewed 64 workers and 34 managers at four sites in South Africa, Kenya and India.

  •   Held telephone interviews with workers and management at a site in Senegal.

  •   Interviewed Emerging Leaders Senior staff in the UK and Kenya.


IMPACT DATA: liberate your work force - your business benefits


Leadership for Life: Why is this Programme so Important?