End-line Assessment of M&S India’s Emerging Leaders programme

Marks & Spencer (M&S), through its sustainability plan - Plan A 2025, seeks to transform 1000 communities, help 10 million people live happier lives and convert M&S into a zero-waste business. One of its initiatives, the Global Community Programme (GCP) aims to build a resilient business by empowering its supply chain. For this, it has partnered up with Emerging Leaders (EL), a UK-based NGO that facilitates community development through its own leadership programme. After launching these trainings in Africa, M&S-EL partnership brought them to India in 2016 for garment factory workers in M&S apparel supply chain. A baseline study was carried out in 5 apparel factories (suppliers for M&S) located in Bangalore, Chennai and Tiruppur for this initiative in 2017. This study aims to build on the baseline study and reports the findings and recommendations from the end-line impact assessment conducted in the same 5 selected factories.


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